
Workers’ Compensation 101 for Your Small Business

What are the Reporting Procedures for Injuries and Illnesses? If employees are injured, they should notify you immediately to file a report. This will initiate the process for receiving workers’ compensation benefits. If time is of the essence, send the employee to the emergency room immediately and the hospital will collect the insurance information later. […]

Diagnostic Errors Significant Cause of Medical Malpractice Claims

Thirty-five percent of medical malpractice claim payouts result from diagnostic errors, according to a recent study from John Hopkins Medical Center. Researchers discovered that diagnostic errors accounted for more deaths and severe disabilities than any other error, including surgical mistakes and prescription drug overdoses. Examining claims data from 1986 to 2010, researchers found errors in […]

Securing Your Company’s Mobile Devices

Because of the convenience they offer, smartphones and tablet devices have become a ubiquitous presence in the modern business world. As usage soars, it becomes increasingly important to take steps to protect your company from mobile threats, both new and old. The need for proper phone security is no different from the need for a […]